Frequently Asked Questions

What are IUI vials?

IUI, or Intrauterine Insemination, vials are the go-to choice, suitable for various treatments. These vials are pre-washed, meaning the semen sample undergoes processing to remove non-essential components, leaving behind motile sperm cells, supportive fluid, and cryoprotectants. Cryoprotectants aid in cell survival during freezing.

Key Information about IUI Vials:

  • Sold in 0.4-0.5ml volumes, containing 10 million motile sperm cells.
  • Applicable for all insemination procedures, including at-home insemination.
  • Ready for use.

What are ICI vials?

Unlike IUI vials, ICI samples are unwashed and only contain added cryoprotectants. They are suitable for intracervical insemination (ICI), IVF or ICSI treatments. They can also be washed at your clinic for use in an IUI treatment.

Key Information about ICI Vials:

  • Sold in 0.8-1.0ml volumes, containing 12 million motile sperm cells.
  • Applicable for all insemination procedures, requiring a healthcare specialist to wash samples before IUI treatment.
  • Suitable for at-home insemination.

What are ART vials?

ART, or Assisted Reproductive Technology, vials have a lower motile sperm cell count and are ideal for specialized treatments like IVF (Can also be suitable for IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection- known as ICSI treatment). Usually containing fewer total motile cells (TMC) than IUI or ICI vials. If used for insemination treatment cycles (such as IUI or ICI), we recommend using 2 vials for optimizing results.

Key Information about ART vials:

  • ART vials are sold in 0.8-1 ml volumes with 10 million motile cells.
  • Applicable mainly for IVF/ICSI treatments.
  • If washed, ART-W vials are sold in 0.4-0.5ml volumes with 6-9 million motile sperm cells. We recommend using 2 vials per treatment cycle if used for home insemination or IUI treatments.

What are ICSI vials?

ICSI vials are unwashed vials but with fewer TMC, suitable mainly for ICSI treatments. There are washed and unwashed options, both containing fewer total motile sperm cells (TMC) than IUI or ICI vials.

Key Information about ICSI vials:

  • Sold in 0.8-1 ml volumes with 6-9 million motile sperm cells.
  • Designed for ICSI procedures, if used for home insemination, we encourage using 2 vials.

What is the range per vial?

Vial counts will predictably fall within a range of plus or minus 30% from the target value. This means that after thaw, an ICI vial will produce counts between 9-15 million total motile sperm count (TMC), and an IUI vial will produce counts between 7-13 million TMC.

What is your quality control methods?

Home Insemination

Scheduling Your At-Home Insemination

Timing plays a pivotal role in your insemination journey. This procedure is exceptionally time-sensitive and should be synchronized with your natural ovulation cycle. The objective is to perform the insemination within your 12 to 24-hour “fertility window.” For the majority of women, this window typically falls between days 10 and 15 of their monthly cycle. To pinpoint your most fertile days with precision, we recommend utilizing a home ovulation monitor. Initiating this practice a month or two before your initial insemination attempt can be beneficial, as it allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your peak ovulation period.

Success Rates for Home Insemination

Success rates for home insemination can vary depending on several factors such as health, fertility, BMI, age, and individual circumstances. Home insemination tends to be most successful for women without fertility issues. On average, it takes approximately five cycles for most women to achieve pregnancy. If success does not occur in the initial attempts, do not be disheartened. To enhance your chances of pregnancy, we recommend tracking your ovulation and seeking advice from your healthcare provider before commencing treatment.

By adhering to the recommendations outlined above, you increase your chances of embarking on the journey to parenthood successfully. The entire team at Cryomate Donor Bank eagerly anticipates assisting you and extends our warmest wishes as you navigate your path to pregnancy!

Purchasing Sperm for Home Insemination

You can conveniently purchase sperm for home insemination directly through our website. Create an account, select your preferred donor, order in advance of your ovulation cycle, and have it delivered to your doorstep. For home insemination, we recommend ordering two ICI or IUI MOT10 straws.

Choosing the Right Sperm for Home Insemination

ICI sperm is commonly used for home insemination, although IUI sperm can also be used. The key difference lies in whether the sperm is pre-washed or not. We encourage you to select a sperm motility (MOT) that suits your preferences. For instance, MOT5 vials contain fewer motile sperm cells and are primarily used for IVF or ICSI.

How Much Sperm Should I Purchase?

Available Sperm Donors for Home Insemination

Understanding MOT (Motility)

Seek Guidance from Your Healthcare Professional Before Insemination